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The second newsletter of Cherished project is out now!

CHERISHED partnership is currently working on the Pedagogical Framework for the integration of digital cultural heritage in secondary education, as well as the Teacher Training Programme. Virtual workshops will take place in December with the aim to collect feedback from secondary school teachers, cultural heritage professionals and museum educators on the six areas of the Pedagogical Framework and the content of the Training Programme.

Read the Newsletter to find out more, and follow the project on social media to stay updated on the upcoming activities! 

Newsletter ENGLISH | GREEK

Join our Labour Market Orientation Programme for Migrant Mothers

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is inviting migrant mothers to register for our Labour Market Orientation programme!

Participants will receive support in creating a job profile and a personalized action plan and will be invited to participate in info sessions on labour rights, employability skills workshops and teambuilding activities. 

To register, please click here!

For more information, please contact Maria Georgiou at or 22252315.

YOUTH2UNITE seminar completed with great success!

28 young people and youth workers from 4 European countries for 3 consecutive days participated in the “Raising Awareness Against Hate Crime and Hate Speech Incidents” seminar.

The three-day online workshop on awareness and action against hate crime and hate speech incidents delivered in the context of the Erasmus+ project "Youth2Unite" was completed with great success!
During the workshop, people aged 18-30 from France, Germany, Cyprus, the United Kingdom and Greece met virtually. Through a series of participatory activities and experiential tools, important issues related to the spread of hate speech and hate crimes were discussed. Besides, the skills of young people in identifying, intervening, and dealing with related incidents were strengthened, towards ensuring a welcoming environment for people experiencing social exclusion. Seeds for a world that embraces diversity and fights for the rights of all.


Learn more about the Youth2Unite project here.

WORKABLE newsletter is now available!

Project's "WorkAble " newsletter is out now! Find out the latest updates and learn more about the project and its expected results.

HERE you can find the newsletter in Greek.  

Team work
The 2nd VEGA newsletter is ready and available for you!

Find out about the most recent updates of the VEGA project.

VEGA project explores the pedagogy of play and learning using the possibilities of digital games and applications to apply their content in the subjects of the curriculum in primary schools: mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, computer science, foreign languages, civics and art. 

HERE you can find the newsletter in English.  

More information on the project's website

Science and Technology Class
The first newsletter fo the INFORMER project is out now!

In the INFORMER newsletter, learn more about the project, its progress and Knowledge exchange workshops implemented in partner countries. 

HERE you can find the newsletter in English.  

More information on the project's website

All AID project news in one e-Newsletter!

AID project's partners had finally met each other face to face after some remote work. Check out the 3rd project's newsletter and learn more about the progress of the project's  intellectual outputs and expected results. 

HERE you can find the newsletter in English.  

WINGS project newlsetter is out now!

In the latest WINGS newsletter find out the news and recent developments and learn more about the training opportunities within the project. 

If you know someone who can benefit from this project, connect with us! 

HERE you can find the newsletter in English.  

For more information, please, find project's website

A group of women at a business meeting
The PROM PAR Civic Education platform

The Prom Par Civic Education platform is an open online education resource in 5 modules, aimed at asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, but available for everyone who wishes to build competences in civic education in the partner countries. It includes modules on government and citizenship; civic skills, social and cultural norms and values, social issues and economic & labor trend – social entrepreneurship.


The final newsletter of PROM PAR is now available on the project website in English, Greek, Italian, Bulgarian and Danish. It includes information about the last virtual project partner meeting which was held in June 2021 as well news about the online modules and the multiplier events held in the partner countries. 

PROM-PAR (Promoting Migrants’ Democratic Participation and Integration) aims to foster democratic participation among immigrants, through civic education. Furthermore, the project seeks to foster self-confidence, democratic values, and critical thinking among the target group. 

Happy seniors raising hands

The latest "AID" newsletter is out now! You will find information about the progress made so far, the local online activities and workshops face to face. 


Newsletter in English available here 

Tablet Portraits

Project Green S.E.E.D.S is celebrating achievements in online learning and exchange of knowledge between pupils of the 20 classes of the project, in Italy (IC Bosco Chiesanuova, Verona and I.S. Abbé Trèves, Valle d'Aosta), Spain (CEIP Espiñera-Aldán in Galicia), Croatia (Vela Luka High School), Cyprus (Olimpion School) and Greece (Volissos School): 5 primary school classes, 6 secondary school classes, 9 high school classes, all from the mountain and small islands.

Find out more in the latest newsletter! 6th newsletter is available here in English. 

3rd Newsletter of the project "X-CAPE" is out now!
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The Digital Breakouts Compendium of Resources (IO1) is now finalised, and the English version is currently available in the Online Portal (IO3)!


Find our more about the progress made in the "X-CAPE" project and the upcoming steps and activities. 

The 3rd Newsletter is available here in Greek and English

The 1st newsletter of project "CHERISHED" is out now!

CHERISHED is an Erasmus+ project which aims to promote a European-wide ecosystem approach towards integration of digital cultural heritage in compulsory secondary education. The project intends to improve secondary school teachers’ capacity to use digital cultural heritage resources in their teaching and provide cultural heritage institutions access to a much needed resource for ensuring their online collections and digital offer relates to educational curricula.


Find out more in the first newsletter: English | Greek!

Invitation to an online Study Visit “Sustainable agriculture practices in the shadow of mountain Olympus, the House of Gods"
Organic Vegetables

The Olympus National Park Management Agency in Greece in collaboration with SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education, PNGSI, NSWMN, USV, CTFC, INTEGRA, MAKRO and the University of Thessaly is inviting you to participate in the three-day online event “Sustainable agriculture practices in the shadow of mountain Olympus, the House of Gods" which will take place on the 28, 29 and 30th of June at 10:30 EEST. The study visit will focus on sustainable agriculture practices. For more information about the programme of the event and the registration procedure please click here. The study visit is organized within the framework of the VALOR project (Valorisation of ancient farming techniques in resilient and sustainable agriculture) which is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Youth Escape COVID - press release
Escape Room Items

The vision of the “Youth Escape - COVID” project is to create a set of innovative tools and methods that will be based on culture, while its goal is to combat the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic among young people in Europe - creatively and innovatively.


The first working meeting of the project took place on June 21-22 and was hosted by the “Christian Tell” County Library. During this meeting, the representatives of partner organizations discussed the work plan and established the responsibilities and tasks in order to achieve the planned results. 

Find out more about this project here


VALOR project empowers farmers to work smart and care for the land. We are glad to announce that our brand new project flyer is online!

Thank you to our friends in Cyprus:

Ygea Farm, Ecophysis, Kika's Garden homemade food & produce, Sericulture (Silk Farming),  Pollen Atlas of the beekeeping plants of Cyprus. 

Find out sustainable farming initiatives near you! 

Flyer available here

Green S.E.E.D.S. keep it active and creative!

After the teachers’ training, the pupils from Veneto (IT), Valle d'Aosta (IT), Galizia (ES), Vela Luka (KR), Chios (GR) and Nicosia (CY) are now the players! 6 classes from primary school and 6 from secondary school in Italy and Spain; 15 classes for high schools in Vela Luka, Chios and Nicosia.

Find out more in the latest Newsletter!

Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Design Factory

D-LEARNING is a strategic partnership funded through the European Commission, Erasmus+ Programme (Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education, project number 2018-1-DE02-KA204-005030). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Here you can download the results and products of the project as Open Educational Resource (OER). All results are free of charge and freely available under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-SA 4.0. 

DESIGN THINKING MANUAL for Adult Learning Providers (PDF) English | Greek

DESIGN THINKING WORKSHOP GUIDE for Adult Learning Providers (PDF) English | Greek

Map in Grass

Get informed about the objectives, the activities and the target groups of the project!


Project partners are in the process of developing an online innovative educational platform. The idea is to stimulate young people on discussing community issues related to environmental topics, and to propose various solutions that have an economic potential, thus directly targeting youth unemployment.


Brochoure in English available here


Through the project "MESI: Migrant Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion", we have developed a toolkit designed to support the in-service training of professionals working with migrant entrepreneurs. The toolkit introduces professionals to the resources and tools produced in the project. The toolkit briefly describes the results of the needs assessment conducted at the beginning of the project. It introduces the repository of good practices and innovations on migrant entrepreneurship that the partnership has collected, as well as give inputs on how to develop a plan or strategy for reaching out to migrants in order to engage them in entrepreneurship. In addition, it introduces the content of the MESI curriculum and the related certification system.

You can find the toolkit

Working With Headphones

The MESI modules on migrant entrepreneurship are now available on the MESI platform in the partner languages. We have developed the following modules to support the educational needs of migrants: (a) Introduction to entrepreneurship – entrepreneurial attitudes and skills; (b) Legal and regulatory framework; (c) Strategic planning and project management; (d) Access to markets; (e) Understanding the local business culture; (f) Funding and fundraising. To view the modules and earn you badge please click

Support Group

The WINGS project aspires to achieve the social and economic empowerment of migrant women through a carefully designed training programme. It is funded under the Erasmus+ Adult Education project. Find out more ( in Greek) 

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Valor-erasmus project has some exciting news for you! Check out the latest newsletter and stay updated!

*VALOR Quality-Guidelines have been published

*VALOR Curricula is at the development stage


Find out more in the 3rd NEWSLETTER 

LEGO_looking for educators.jpg

We call educators to join us in the upcoming activities of the project Designing with Lego: The Eco-Cities of Tomorrow! Please, to complete the form below by the 28th of February, or contact for more information. 

Registration form available 


Designing with Lego: The Eco-Cities of Tomorrow is a project incorporating play-based learning to develop ecological concepts for the sustainable development of future cities in the minds of young people, ages 6 - 14, as envisioned by Ian McHarg and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


What if we told you there is a fascinating innovative way to solve problems, develop ideas and shape them into products/services that is readily available?

JOIN US for a DESIGN THINKING webinar shaped for Education Professionals and aspiring Entrepreneurs in the fields of integration, inclusion, sustainable development and social impact.

Find the registration form


Webinar is organised within the framework of the Erasmus+ project Design Thinking in Adult Learning



Find out more about the progress that has been made within the VALOR project!

All the latest news available in the 2nd newsletter. You can find it in all partner languages


AND NOW PUPILS, IT'S YOUR TIME! - Green S.E.E.D.S. project
Kids Playing Outside

After the implementation of the teachers’ curriculum and their subsequent training, shared teaching and extended learning environment are now reality. The classes have already been "matched" to form transnational working groups: the pupils of Italian schools will work from remote with their Spanish counterparts, the pupils of Cyprus will dialogue with Greece, the Croatian pupils with their Greek peers. In groups of two or three, the classes will carry out the SeedsQuests, webquests on a selection of four topics on environment

Newsletter in English available:

SPREAD THE SIGN - SYRIA in progress…
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“SPREAD THE SIGN – SYRIA” is in the stage of finalizing the online dictionaries in the Syrian, Bulgarian, Greek and Cypriot sign languages. These dictionaries and their video recordings are uploaded and ready to be used by the final beneficiaries.

Newsletter in English available:

Check out the D-Learning Article
Light Bulb

Design Thinking is a proven method for the practical and creative solution of problems with the goal of creating a constructive and sustainable outcome for the future. The use of this user-centred method in adult education institutions enables a deeper understanding of the problems of their own clients. 

In the Erasmus+ project D-LEARNING (Design Thinking in Adult Learning) organisations from 6 European countries are working together to adapt the method of Design Thinking for adult education institutions. 

Article available on the EPALE website: 

STEAMY WONDERS Newsletter is out now! 
In The Lab

The STEAMY WONDERS project will develop a complete career and personal development curriculum built for women in the STEAM sector using a variety of challenge-based and problem-based learning resources. These new resources will be presented in a series of Interactive Infographics which have been steadily gaining popularity, both in digital and print formats in organizations and in education. 

Newsletter in English you can find 

The first newsletter of the VEGA project is out now!
Science and Technology Class

VEGA project explores the pedagogy of play and learning using the possibilities of digital games and applications to apply their content in the subjects of the curriculum in primary schools: mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, computer science, foreign languages, civics and art.

Newsletter in English you can find 

"TESEO - Arianna's strands in the digital age" newsletter is now available!
Stack of Books

We're glad to announce that our project's TESEO - Arianna's strands in the digital age newsletter is now online and available for everyone! We present briefly TESEO objectives and its two outputs: the master and the toolkit. To subscribe to our newsletter send an email to 

Newsletter in English you can find 

Pedagogical principles in the SEEDS project
Teacher with Pupils

SEEDS has developed a preschool pedagogy, described through a collection of resource materials that contain the SEEDS pedagogy, educational guidelines and principles (the present page), methods, best practice and a concrete toolkit with digital media resources. The resource materials were developed based on activities across local experimenting communities in the 4 partner countries; Germany, Italy, Cyprus and Denmark.

Here we introduce different pedagogical principles that form a foundation for the SEEDS project and that have been influential in the methods and activities of the SEEDS project.

You can download a description of the pedagogical principles in SEEDS

Report on the framework, results and recommendations of the SEEDS Project
Kids in Preschool

The SEEDS project has produced a publication that describes the framework for the SEEDS project – the 21st century skills, the national contexts for the preschools participating in the SEEDS project and the results of the project, as well as recommendations for implementing the SEEDS pedagogy, divided in 4 themes:

  1. Implementing the 21st century skills in preschools

  2. Preschool education in the light of the 21st century requirements

  3. Inclusive learning in preschools

  4. Developing technology for and with children

Full report in English available 

Find out more about the YOUTH2UNITE project
Uplifted Youth

Youth2Unite has been developed as a result of the rising incidences of hate crime – physical and online – which are occurring across Europe and which are gaining momentum. Find out more about YOUTH2UNITE, its objectives and expected results. Brochure available in Greek and English. 

For more information, please, contact us at 00357 22252315 or at



VALOR project's newsletter #1 is out now! Available in Greek
VALOR Newsletter EL_CY_Page_1.jpg

VALOR: VALORISATION OF ANCIENT FARMING TECHNIQUES IN RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE is founded by European Commission under the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances programme (2019-2022) 

First Newsletter in Greek available

While working remotely, XCAPE project partners continued to work intensively to develop the intellectual outputs at the proposed deadlines. 

The project website is now available in all partner languages! Feel free to explore our project website at 

Find out more in the Newsletter, our website and social media. 

XCAPE project: Partners continued to work intensively during the pandemic
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  • Facebook

At GREEN S.E.E.D.S. distance teaching and learning is not a consequence of the global health emergency. It is the very heart of the project, instead, which was conceived and started well before the Covid-19.

The actors of GREEN S.E.E.D.S. are in fact the small decentralized schools, which have always thought of distance learning as a resource.

For this reason, GREEN S.E.E.D.S. project provides teachers with theory and tools to study, compare and put into practice paths of interaction and collaboration between pupils of isolated schools from different countries.

Find out more in the latest newsletter!

College Student

Take a look on the progress made by the project BIZMIZ (Next Generation Women Technology Entrepreneurs). 

You can find the Newsletter #4 in Greek and English

In this edition you will learn more about:
• Recent progress in the Project
• The Transnational Training Event in Nicosia, Cyprus
• The fourth Transnational Partner Meeting
• The upcoming piloting and multiplier events


The BIZMIZ Consortium consists of 8 partners Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom. 

Stay connected with BIZMIZ:
Visit the project's website:
and join BIZMIZ on Facebook @BizMizproject

BIZMIZ newsletter #4 is out now!
Business Meeting

PROM PAR Newsletters are available on PROM PAR website in English, Greek, Italian, Bulgarian and Danish. 

The Newsletter includes the following information: PROM PAR and the Corona Virus; Results from the Consultation with Stakeholders,  PROM PAR Online. 

PROM-PAR (Promoting Migrants’ Democratic Participation and Integration) aims to foster democratic participation among immigrants, through civic education. Furthermore, the project seeks to foster self-confidence, democratic values, and critical thinking among the target group.

PROM PAR 2nd Newsletter is out now!

The ENI CBC Med Programme launches a new call for proposals: €11 million to finance capitalisation projects

The objective of the call for capitalisation projects is to foster the transfer, exploitation and mainstreaming of knowledge and results developed under different Euro-Mediterranean initiatives, including the ENPI/ENI CBC Med Programmes, the Union for the Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Programme.  

To learn more about SYNTHESIS contribution to the project proposal and our collaboration, please, contact 

ENI CBC MED call is open - SYNTHESIS open for ideas and collaborations

The Erasmus+ NEURO-GUIDE project is now in a more developed stage and has more to offer to the educational target groups.
In this newsletter you will learn more about:
• The recent activities of the project consortium and plans for the upcoming months
• The 4th Transnational Partner Meeting
• The Short-term Joint Staff Training Event 

NEURO-GUIDE project is growing and has more to offer | Newsletter #4

Watch "Another Land", a video documentary capturing the stories of refugees arriving in Europe. The video was produced in the framework of the project PandPAS which is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.

Another Land 
BIZMIZ newsletter #3
Women Colleagues
The study "Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe" is available online!
Social enterprises and their ecosystems

The report "Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe: Cyprus" was recently published!

The report was authored by our director George Isaias with members of our team.  The Cyprus' country report was contracted to SYNTHESIS by the EURICSE/EMES consortium on behalf of the European Commission. This is another evidence of the leading role of SYNTHESIS in the development of the sector of social enterprises in Cyprus.

A Journey to the Land of Acceptance.
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On the anniverary of the "International day of tolerance," you are cordially invited to a special event that will take place on 16th of November 2019, from 10:00 until 13:00, at Hub Nicosia.

During the event, you will have the opportunity to see Ms. Erika Morano’s photo exhibition “The Human forest: A journey in the Amazon."

You can also learn more about our actions and projects that foster migrants’ inclusion, taste snacks made by migrants and locals, and select handmade gifts for the festive season.

Join us!

Read more
Consumer Behaviour Seminar

SYNTHESIS is proud to announce our 1st Consumer Behaviour seminar (Greek Language), under the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The seminar will be held on the 25th of September, at Cleopatra Hotel, from 08.30-17.00 and it is funded by ANAD for all eligible employees. For more information on content, structure and fees, contact our VET Manager & seminar trainer, Irene at: 22265700 & 96204117

Read more
NEURO-GUIDE is finalising the learning resources! | Newsletter #3

NEURO-GUIDE is now entering an important phase when all the learning resources are going to be finalized and translated. For this reason partners made significant effort to ensure that everyone is familiar with their tasks and responsibilities.  

Members of the NEURO-GUIDE PROJECT met for the Third Transnational Partner Meeting on 4 th – 5 th of September 2019 in Rzeszów, Poland. 

The “Next Generation Women Technology Entrepreneurs” (BizMiz) consortium meets in Malta to discuss the development of project’s curricula

28 August 2019, Nicosia.

The partners of the BizMiz project meet at the new premises of the Maltese organisation Across Limits to plan the next steps in the implementation of the project. Particularly, the partnership discussed the learning content for the two new curricula that will be developed in the context of the BizMiz project. The partners discussed all different modules that will be included both in the Next Generation Women Technology Entrepreneurs Curriculum and the Digital & Social Media Literacy Curriculum; agreed on a particular approach; and set a timeline for the development process.

Read more
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“SPREAD THE SIGN – SYRIA” is quickly progressing in the development of the online dictionaries in the Syrian, Bulgarian, Greek and Cypriot sign languages. These dictionaries and their video recordings are expected to be ready and fully operational in early 2020.

The SPREAD THE SIGN online educational tool already includes over 400,000 signs and 38 sign languages. It is constantly developing with the aim to support the integration of deaf/hearing impaired people and to provide them with equal educational opportunities.


The SPREAD THE SIGN online tool is available at

PandPAS Greek Lessons continues with great success!

21 March 2019, Nicosia.

Every Sunday,  refugees and migrants join us at the Youth Information Center of the Municipality of Aghios Dometios, for a special fast-track Greek language course, targeted to meet not only their language needs but also to promote social integration, cohesion and inclusion. We are proud to have welcomed people from so many countries, origins and backgrounds and being able to offer quality language training and a safe space where they can share freely, ask questions, and explore the cultural, social, and historical background of Cyprus. Most importantly, our PandPas Survival Greek course has established more than a group of students, it has established a circle of friends!

Read more
Neuroguide partners meet in Nicosia to plan the Online Escape Room Challenges

1 March 2019, Nicosia.

In recent months, Neuroguide partners have been intensively working on developing first online escape room challenges. Each of the partners designed a first portion of the resources. During the second Partner Meeting organised in Cyprus, partners presented their work and conducted a broad discussion and analysis of the functionality of ideas for the project's success.

Teachers of Preschools attend Training on Social Entrepreneurship

6 February 2019, Aarhus.

A specialised training took place between the 4-6th of February 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark. The training introduced preschool teachers to entrepreneurial thinking mindsets and competencies.  The training was carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Social Entrepreneurship Empowering Development in Preschools" which runs from 2018 to 2020. The training was attended by preschool teachers from Cyprus, Italy, Germany, and Denmark.

The "Migrant Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion" consortium meets in Sweden

3 October 2018, Kristianstad.

The partners of the "Migrant Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion" meet at the headquarters of the Krinova Incubator and Science Park in Kristianstad, Sweden, to plan the next steps in the implementation of the project. The project which was developed by the SYNTHESIS's team, aims to equip professionals working with migrants with the skills needed to engage migrants in entrepreneurial initiatives. The consortium consists of partners from Cyprus, Italy, Germany, and Denmark.

"Migrant Women as Health Care Mentors" kick off meeting in Brno

11 October 2018
The kick-off meeting of the project "Migrant Women as Healthcare Mentors" took place in Brno, Czech Republic on 10th and 11th of October. The partners from six countries discussed in detail the outputs of the project which aim at the facilitation of access for migrant women and their children to the healthcare services of host countries. 

BizMiz partners meet in Ireland to support women entrepreneurs
Young Businesswomen

19 September 2018, Virginia. 

The kick-off meeting of the project "Next Generation Women Technology Entrepreneurs" (BizMiz) took place on the 19th of September in Virginia, Ireland.  The project is based on the premise that women need bespoke entrepreneurship resources and a supportive online educational environment where they can develop their business ideas, engage with like-minded individuals, and push through the ‘glass ceiling’ that pertains in the modern economy. 

Planing the Online Escape Room Compendium:  "Neuroguide" partners meet in Helsinki

14 September 2018, Helsinki.

The kick-off meeting in the framework of the project “NEURO-GUIDE” took place in Helsinki (Finland) on the 13th-14th of September 2018. The meeting has been hosted by Hub Karelia, the Finnish partner of the project. In Helsinki, partners discussed the development of the online escape room compendium of resources in two areas: critical and creative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit.

First Aid Language Kit for Migrants: Meeting in Lancaster, U.K.
First Aid box on pink BG

 19 January 2018, Lancaster.

The kick-off project meeting was held on 18-19 January 2018. The partners analysed the EU document "The public health dimension of the European migrant crisis," which distinguishes 6 topics as priority medical areas for addressing migrants’ health needs; the areas will form the basis for the development of the FALK Medical Language Pyramid – the first part of the First Aid Language Kit.

SPREAD THE SIGN - SYRIA in short… | Newsletter #1
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November, 2017 

The long journey has started with the kick-off meeting of the project held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 25-27 October 2017.

Read more in our first newsletter! 

“SPREAD THE SIGN – SYRIA” is a European project funded under the Erasmus+ programme for the period 2017-2020. It is implemented with the cooperation of five organisations from five different countries of Europe (Sweden, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus). 

Visit our website for more information:

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