vet & adult education
As an accredited Vocational Education & Training provider and adult education center, we focus on the development of programs that
Aim to empower adults through personal and interpersonal skills (such as self esteem and communication)
Can enhance the employment situation of the people who at the margin of society (including NEET youth, migrants, adults with learning difficulties or other disabilities, or those with fewer opportunities),
Help companies succeed by building their employees' skills and knowledge as well as their business resilience and continuity in addressing risks and managing emergency situations or crises.
In addition, we offer enterprise support. We currently provide co-working, office facilities and business support to micro-enterprises, free lancers, and NGOs, especially during their initial stages of development.
Sample of our courses:
Care assistant training: Acquire basic skills of assisting older adults in their daily activities and personal care and hygiene, as well as their social interactions.
Social Media: Learn how to use it effectively to promote your message or business. Building strong teams in culturally diverse environments.
Building strong relationships and sustainable networks, sharing ideas and information, promoting coexistence and tolerance.
Risk Management course: Learn how to assess and manage risk in the modern environment effectively.
Crisis Workshop: Tailored training to suit every corporate or professional need for an effective Crisis Management in all types of work environments.
Natural Disaster Preparedness: Learn the skills to prepare your organization for natural disasters in order to ensure its business continuity.
Ms. Irene Kampa, VET Manager