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BETA | Bridges of Intergenerational Approach

BETA project aims to address to multi-faceted challenges posed by the phenomenon of population ageing that affects almost every developed country. Although seniors are a big part of the total population, they are largely marginalised and suffer from social exclusion and isolation; nevertheless, they can be an active part in the society with a significant contribution as a whole under the right conditions.  The project aims to increase seniors' social inclusion, motivate seniors to stay active, bridge the differences between generations, and cultivate seniors' with basic digital & English language competences to stay digitally fit. BETA is s project funded by the Erasmus + program and coordinated by Open Up - Greek  Scientific Association of Innovation with partners from Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Belgium.

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WHOW | Women Home Working

WHOW – Women Home Working, is funded through Erasmus+ for the years (Dec 2022 to Jan 2025), is a social project for young women to help them to enter the labour market in case of pregnancy and motherhood. It is especially aimed at teenage mothers (aged 16-25) who have had to interrupt their educational and/or professional development. WHOW is a long-term project with a virtual platform and educational tools for young women who want to return to work.  “WHOW” increases the possibility of professional opportunities for young women through training courses and assistance in administrative matters. During the courses the women not only get information about motherhood, means of financing, job opportunities, but they also complement their CV and exchange experience.  The consortium is made up of organisations from France, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, and Italy and is coordinated by GIP FIPAN, France.

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Include³ | Pathways towards Inclusion

Include³- Pathways towards Inclusion – Transitions from Sheltered Employment for People with Intellectual Disabilities into the Regular Labour Market: Identification, Dissemination and Implementation of Good Practice in Europe is an ERASMUS+ which runs for the period 2022-2025. The project aims to identify, disseminate and implement good practice on transitions from sheltered employment to the primary labour market in Europe. The consortium is made up of representatives from Cyprus, Slovenia, Belgium, Germany and is coordinated by The University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency (Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit HdBA in Germany.

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ROBVET | Advanced robotic simulator for scenario development

"ROBVET - Advanced robotic simulator for scenario development" is funded through Erasmus+ for the years 2022 to  2024 and aims to cover real needs in the home automation, industrial  maintenance, and automotive sectors with new knowledge and to put  vocational training at the forefront of Europe by combining emerging  disciplines such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things  with robotics, for the benefit of  formal and non-formal training  centers. staff of business and workers' organizations, chambers of  commerce and industry, public authorities of municipalities and  education departments. The consortium is made up of organisations from Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Turkey, and is coordinated by IES Pablo de Olavide from Spain.

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SEgoesGREEN | Integrating Nature-Based Solutions into Higher Education

SEgoesGREEN - "Integrating Nature-Based Solutions into Higher Education towards exploiting the transformative potential of Social Economy for a green and inclusive future" is funded through Erasmus+ for  the years 2022 to 2025 and aims to develop new knowledge for integrating  NBS in Social Economy (SE) related Higher Educational Institutions by  offering a comprehensive study combining state of the art in  Natural-Based Solutions (NBS) education and eco-citizenship while  exploring SE HEIs contextual factors that influence the integration of  NBS in their programmes that will serve as a reference point for  understanding the use and educational value of NBS, for the benefit of  SE university teachers and SE students (under-graduate and  post-graduate). The consortium is made up of representatives from Croatia, Cyprus,  Greece, Poland and Portugal and is coordinated by Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego Spolka Akcyjna, Poland.

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Greenmobility | Lifelong Learning on Sustainable Urban Mobility

GREENMOBILITY | Lifelong Learning on Sustainable Urban Mobility is funded through Erasmus+ for the years 2022 to 2024 and aims to promote  the lifelong learning dimension of higher education through a program on green mobility and to promote learning on environmental sustainability for the benefit of universities and colleges, including students,  academic staff, and administration officials, environmental  organizations and NGOs that work on areas related to green mobility,  fight against climate change, and protect the environment; and local and  public entities working on areas related to green mobility, fight  against climate change and the protection of the environment. The consortium is made up of representatives from Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Sweden and is coordinated by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) from Lithuania.

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Susdevalues | Sustainable development of society through reassessment of values

Susdevalues – Sustainable development of society through reassessment of values is funded through Cooperation partnerships in adult education for the years 2022 to 2024 and aims to sustain the development of society through reassessment and discovering the core and common values, help isolated people and local people understand each other better and build the values of the future society in Europe, and reduce the intergenerational gap. It is addressed primarily to adult education organizations, LLP centres and educational NGOs as well as academics and teachers. The consortium is made up of organisations from Turkey, Spain, Cyprus, Italy, and Austria and is coordinated by Grobinas Pieaguso Izglitibas Center from Latvia.

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